Dear members, supporters, friends and neighbors in Benissa
I will be moving once again, my gratitude for your confidence, but especially for your love and understanding. All of them have been my energy to work serving as Mayor of Benissa, and with them we could help improve our city. It was not easy and my motto has always been, as you well know, not dwell on the successes, but learn from mistakes and continue to work tirelessly towards the goals that were still to be achieved. In this work I felt very supported by the Popular Party, and especially for all the institutions that are led by their representatives, Diputación Provincial de Alicante, Generalitat Valenciana and the Government of Spain when it was Popular. Their support has been instrumental in major projects have been implemented in Benissa. Indeed, what a coincidence, the only two projects that have not seen the light from the present socialist government, the construction of Variant N-332 and the Building of the Civil Guard barracks. I hope soon to change this government and also the fate of these two works have been so important to Benissa.
Now the Partido Popular again rely on me, and I am filled with enthusiasm and take back responsibility for this commitment to my party and the entire town of Benissa.
Times are tough, but we want to many projects. Furthermore, I sincerely believe that we are witnessing a historic period of change at the major global challenges calling us also very important locally. We must learn to be more sustainable, to care for our natural resources, to do more with less. Energy saving, alternative energy, new technologies, care for our environment, efficient financial management of municipal services are some of them will be the most important issues of our program and the projects that we present.
We have set a good example of how you can make many investments and actions in strategic areas such as education, sports, environment, water, sanitation and improvement of municipal services. There have been more investment and public works in Benissa in the last ten years, the sum of all previous democratic corporations. The results are obvious and we can now enjoy many of these facilities have helped improve the quality of life.
With all this, despite all investments, the municipality of Benissa has a completely healthy public finances and municipal debt is practically zero. This has allowed us to be the only Shire Hall has been allowed to lower taxes as the tax on vehicles, the ICIO, Garbage Rate for small businesses and property tax last year. What a difference from the year 1,999, when we started, there was a municipal debt of 220 million pesetas and had a hole for fraud of 140 million pesetas in the collection of water bill.
The Popular Party of Benissa and I, as their candidate, we continue to rely on your confidence and your support, also with your ideas and suggestions that I hope we can do arrive. Thus, together we can continue to improve Benissa.
Thank you,
Juan Bautista Roselló Tent